Larry Feltner
Larry Feltner is the Managing Partner with The Prime Group. Mr. Feltner heads up The Prime Group's electric cooperative consulting practice. He has more than 30 years experience in pricing, regulation, marketing and forecasting and planning. His accomplishments include developing performance based, environmental cost recovery, fuel supply cost recovery and gas supply cost recovery rate mechanisms. He also developed a sampling plan for testing gas meters. He has experience in designing and negotiating electric and gas special contracts with large industrial and commercial customers. He developed an innovative gas transportation tariff that was the first of its kind approved in the state of Kentucky . He worked extensively on FERC Order 888 compliance filings and developed the transmission and ancillary services pricing. He was responsible for model development and forecasting of gas sales and sendout. He also did extensive work on model development and forecasting electric sales and demands.
Since joining The Prime Group, Larry Feltner has assisted gas and electric clients in developing unbundled products and services, developing new rate schedules, preparing cost of service studies, performing economic evaluations, preparing divestiture studies and developing marketing programs. He has a B.A. degree in Business Management from Transylvania University and an MBA from the University of Kentucky.
Larry Feltner
The Prime Group, LLC
PO Box 837
Crestwood, KY 40014
Phone: (502) 241-4684