About Us
The Prime Group, LLC is a utility consulting firm that was founded in 1996. The Prime Group's founders recognized that there was a strong market for professional rate and regulatory services for investor-owned, cooperative and municipal utilities. Since forming the company, The Prime Group has provided cost of service, rate and regulatory support for over 150 utilities around the country.
The Prime Group takes great pride in being easy to work with while providing consulting support that is unsurpassed in the industry. We tailor our models to meet your needs rather than force your needs to meet the requirements of a standard, off-the-shelf model. We don’t try to be everything to everybody. We stick closely to what we are good at – performing cost of service studies, designing rates, preparing economic evaluations, performing depreciation studies, and addressing complex regulatory issues. Click here for a comprehensive list of services offered by The Prime Group.
Please feel free to contact The Prime Group at:
Larry Feltner
The Prime Group, LLC
P.O. Box 837
Crestwood, KY 40014-0837
Phone: (502) 405-3304